28 July 2022
The Grand Master had endorsed the Membership VAT to support Lodges with recruitment, member retention and revitalisation.
So, how can we do this? Brethren, you can begin by contacting the team via gsuptmembership@freemasonsvic.net.au.
We offer to attend your Lodge and can facilitate any of the following workshops:
- How to keep your Lodge open, and how to grow your Lodge.
- How to engage with members, their families, and the community.
- Help your Lodge utilise geo-tracking using Facebook to advertise your Lodge in your local area.
- Provide Mentor Training.
- Provide engagement training to develop Lodge Engagement Officers
- Provide guidance to Lodges on how to plan and conduct Lodge Open Days/Nights.
Our objectives are to revitalise your Lodge, build your membership, maintain positive Lodge culture, and re-engage with past members. We can also help your Lodge communicate with local communities regarding charitable works.
VWBro. Neville Wiggins
Grand Superintendent of Membership