Other Announcements


1 June 2022

The Freemasons Victoria Interim Governance structure for 2022 was designed to give us 12 months to observe what procedures work well, and which aspects need change.

The member vote in September last year approved a Masonic Council, a Commercial Council, and a holding company, to provide the governance for our fraternity.

One of the original thoughts was that the Grand Master would oversee the Commercial Council, and that the Deputy Grand Master would chair the Masonic Council.

The GM and DGM are also members of the holding company, so there is a potential conflict of interest of these office-holders evaluating the work of the Councils.

The Grand Master has already stepped aside from regular attendances at the Commercial Council. As your Deputy Grand Master, I will follow his example and stand aside as Chairman of the Masonic Council. We both remain as non-voting observers on each Council in order to ensure that decisions made are always in the best interests of the membership.

In the coming weeks, I will ask the members of the Masonic Council to vote to choose their own Chairman. This has already occurred with the Commercial Council, with VWBro. Felix Pintado elected to chair that entity.

The Councils are working well, and the fine-tuning of governance matters such as the appointment of Chairs, are designed to ensure the best possible leadership for Freemasons Victoria.

RWBro. Anthony Bucca
Deputy Grand Master