Masonic and Commercial Council Nominations

Nominations are called for suitably qualified Brethren to serve as members on the Masonic and Commercial Councils.

There are two vacancies for members of Freemasons Victoria to serve on the Masonic Council, each for a three-year term commencing January 2025.

There is one Vacancy for one member of Freemasons Victoria to serve on the Commercial Council for a three-year term commencing January 2025.

Elections will take place in conjunction with the September Quarterly Communication. Electronic voting, through the independent Vero Voting organisation, will be employed.

All Victorian Freemasons affiliated with a Lodge under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria and who have attained the rank of Master Mason for five years continuously prior to nominating are eligible to nominate for a position on either Council.

For the information of all Brethren, the following documents are available for download below by clicking on the coloured buttons.

  1. Masonic Council Information Booklet
  2. Masonic Council Nomination Form
  3. Commercial Council Information Booklet
  4. Commercial Council Nomination Form

All nominations for the Commercial Council and Masonic Council, along with the necessary paperwork, must be in the hands of the Grand Secretary by 31 July 2024. A nomination must be endorsed by a resolution of a Lodge of which the nominee is a subscribing member by a majority of members in attendance at the meeting. This would need to occur at a Lodge meeting prior to 31 July 2024.

To enable preparation of any voting material, please submit all applications in electronic format.

Commercial Council Information

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