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16 June 2022

I am writing to advise that we have received three nominations for the position of Deputy Grand Master.

RWBro. Garry Runge, OAM, JP, PSGW
RWBro. Myles King, SGW
RWBro. Peter John Henshall, PDGM

Should any member have a concern about the suitability of any nominee, it is his Masonic duty to communicate that concern to the Grand Secretary within 14 days. All such correspondence will be strictly confidential to the Grand Secretary, the Chairman of the Panel, the Grand Registrar and, if deemed appropriate, members of the Panel.

Any objections should be marked ‘Confidential’. They may be emailed to

In the interests of transparency and to avoid any real or potential conflicts of interest, each of the candidates has agreed to step down from their Senior Governance Positions within Freemasons Victoria until the election is complete.

The Deputy Grand Master Selection panel will meet on 6 August 2022 to elect the next Deputy Grand Master. The successful candidate will be announced shortly thereafter.

I remind all Brethren that in terms of Rule 41 of the Book of Constitutions, Brethren are prohibited from campaigning or otherwise for Candidates for the position of Deputy Grand Master. Neither shall any candidate himself be engaged or implicated in such campaigning. Such activity by any brother shall be deemed a Masonic Offence and shall be dealt with in accordance with these rules.

RWBro. Bruce Cowie
Grand Secretary